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Weight Loss Hypnosis

Weight loss hypnosis is often the final step for people who have been battling with their weight for a long time. The issue of trying to lose weight – and failing over and over again – is something which affects many of us and one which can be incredibly distressing. You may have read every diet book, and signed up for more programmes than you care to remember, but still, the weight just will not budge.

Weight loss often requires a change in attitude, which can be difficult to achieve on your own. It’s a fact that hypnotherapy has been shown by numerous studies to be very effective at helping people lose weight. It does this by firstly, getting to the root cause of their eating problems. Secondly, by resolving their emotional relationship with food and thirdly, by improving their motivation to lose weight.

Would you benefit from weight loss hypnosis?

  • Are you frustrated that you can’t lose weight?

  • Does being overweight impact your energy levels?

  • Finding it hard to say no to extra helpings?

  • Hiding the amount you eat from those closest to you?

  • Wanting to take up fitness training but keep putting it off?

The solution is Weight Loss Hypnosis and London Hypnotherapist Alix Needham can help.

Weight loss hypnosis will help you:

  • A greater understanding of your relationship with food

  • Enjoying looking in the mirror and being proud of your new shape.

  • Feeling lighter and more energised to do the things you enjoy

  • Ability to eat regularly and healthily and end the dieting cycle

  • Feeling confident and happier as you gain control of your life

Your Next Steps

Beverley is a very experienced London hypnotherapist with 15 years of experience helping clients achieve their weight loss goals. She has developed a unique blend of hypnotherapeutic techniques using Hypnosis.

Hypnotherapy can help you lose weight and keep it off by re-programming your mental attitudes toward weight loss. When you change the way you think, you will find it possible and comfortable to reach your desired weight. We use CTB with the integration of hypnotherapy. The aim of hypnosis for weight loss is to help you feel confident about your body, change negative thoughts about eating and help you lose weight responsibly. Targeting the unconscious mind with powerful suggestion techniques helps develop a positive relationship with food, which is key to healthy weight loss.

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Beverley Sinclair

Clinical Hypnotherapist


07956 694818


Hypno-wellbeing  Harley Street  London W1G 9PF 


Monday -  Friday     8:00 am - 8:00 pm
Saturday                   9:00 am - 5:30 pm

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