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How Hypnotherapy Can Transform Your Relationship with Food and Fitness

Sedentary lifestyles are largely responsible for rising obesity levels. Many people are classed as being ‘clinically obese’ which causes long term health problems and may even shorten their life expectancy.

There are various causes of obesity but irrespective of these, the fact remains that excess weight is bad for your health. Diet and exercise can help as can obesity surgery.

We provide a comprehensive range of weight management treatments which include obesity surgery, diet plans, exercise advice, counselling and support groups. These form part of a personalised weight management programme which is devised to suit your individual weight loss needs. This includes a first-rate aftercare service as well.

We do not pass judgment on anyone who has a weight problem. Everyone is treated as a human being and is helped to deal with their obesity to lead a healthier lifestyle.

What is obesity?

Obesity is where a person is carrying excess body fat which has a detrimental effect on their health. A person’s weight is measured using the Body Mass Index (BMI) scale which determines healthy weight, overweight and obese.

Your weight and body fat are determined by your genes and lifestyle. The simple formula ‘calories in equal calories out’ refers to the balance between the number of calories you consume and the amount you use or expend.

If you use more calories than you consume then you will lose weight: if you consume and expend the same amount then you will maintain your weight: but if you consume more calories than you expend then you will gain weight. And it is this latter reason which accounts for obesity.

Causes of obesity

Increasing numbers of people are consuming far more calories than they need which is resulting in increased levels of obesity in the UK. Many people have jobs where they are sat at a desk all day; they drive or use public transport and eat a diet high in saturated fats, salt and sugar. All of this coupled with a decrease in physical activity results in the problems we are seeing now.

Other causes include:

  • Genetics

  • Certain medical conditions such as an underactive thyroid

  • Medication, e.g. corticosteroids

  • Stopping smoking

  • Excess alcohol consumption

A diet and exercise plan is one option to treat obesity

These are supported by a personalised weight management programme which includes a diet plan, nutritional advice, and exercise. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy can help patients cope with their thoughts about food, exercise, and themselves by providing them with skills necessary for managing these behaviours. This blog post will explore how CBT may be able to help people reduce their risk of developing obesity or manage it better if they already have it.

Following a healthy eating plan with fewer calories is often the first step in trying to treat overweight and obesity.

People who are overweight or have obesity should also start regular physical activity when they begin their healthy eating plan. Being active may help you use calories. Regular physical activity may help you stay at a healthy weight.



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Beverley Sinclair

Clinical Hypnotherapist

07956 694818


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