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Reducing And Eliminating Stress and Anxiety Increase Health

If you are alive you have some kind of stress in your life. Life is full of situations that can cause stress. You have probably noticed some people can manage stress while others are overwhelmed. Using hypnosis you can reduce stress naturally and easily without prescriptions which commonly have noticeable side effects.

Allowing stress to stay in your life has negative results

Extended “high-stress mode” throughout life results in complications, syndromes and diseases including hypertension, chronic anxiety, nervous habits, insomnia, heart disease, IBS, obesity, drug and alcohol abuse, hair loss, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, heartburn, gastric reflux, asthma, allergies, chronic viral infections, immune system disorders, breathing disorders, migraines, low back pain, nail-biting, premature ageing and even road/airline rage.

Managing, reducing and eliminating stress and anxiety increases your health and happiness

Being able to manage stress and anxiety helps you:

• Increase your energy and focus • Allow you to deal effectively with authority, roles and limits • Increase your tolerance for

frustration during difficult situations • Let you adapt to change, and prosper from it • Help you develop a sense of belonging • Let you show friendliness, care and love • Allow you to enjoy recreation and hobbies • Let you relax and sleep better • Free your sense of humour and ability to laugh at yourself • Let you demonstrate a reasonable sense of independence and self-reliance

Hypnosis helps you reduce and eliminate stress and anxiety

See options that did not exist before and re-train your brain to operate in a whole new, stress-free way. While in hypnosis, we will re-train your subconscious mind to easily adapt to situations, resolve existing anxieties, remove barriers and create new ways of looking at the world. Stress reactions are conditioned responses, learned through years of practice. Hypnosis is a tool that reverses the stress and anxiety caused by these reactions.

Become more and more focused on your goals, make progress, enjoy a greater feeling of self-worth and satisfaction and see more results from your progress — it’s all possible with hypnosis.

How hypnosis changes stress and anxiety

Using hypnosis we will work with you to relax deeply, make better decisions and feel clear-headed. You will gain a whole new perspective on dealing with life’s challenges and reconnect with your inner wisdom already inside you.

See yourself in a whole new light, allow others to see the glow within you, feel more relaxed around others and feel great from the inside out — it's all possible using hypnosis.

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Beverley Sinclair

Clinical Hypnotherapist


07956 694818


Hypno-wellbeing  Harley Street  London W1G 9PF 


Monday -  Friday     8:00 am - 8:00 pm
Saturday                   9:00 am - 5:30 pm

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