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Psychiatric Issues

The major psychiatric disorders are autism, attention deficit-hyperactive disorder, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia. While they’re separate disorders, they do have some genetic risk elements in common and there are multiple misconceptions surrounding each. Autism The disorder isn’t a single condition, but rather a range of characteristics in which individuals have difficulty with social skills, speech, nonverbal communication, and repetitive behaviors. A variety of sub types exist and everyone with autism doesn’t experience it in the same way or with the same severity. Autism is generally diagnosed by age 2 and is marked by developmental delays. Early intervention is critical. Attention Deficient-Hyperactivity Disorder Commonly known as ADHD, a diagnosis is usually made when an individual is a child. Common symptoms often exhibit as difficulty paying attention, being overly active, and a lack of impulse control. They may also have trouble getting along with others, taking turns, and can engage in risky behavior without considering the consequences. ADHD presents in 3 ways and is classified dependent upon the symptoms. Bipolar Disorder Previously known as manic depression, it’s marked by extreme emotional mood swings from the high of euphoria to the low of depression. It affects the ability for people to think clearly, their behaviors and judgement. Individuals may experience multiple episodes per year or none. There are several types and mood swings can be abrupt. Major Depressive Disorder The disorder causes continuing feelings of sadness, loss of interest and pleasure in activities, and fatigue. It’s known as clinical depression. People with the disorder often feel as if they have no reason to live. Individuals can experience physical and mental symptoms, have angry outbursts, feelings of worthlessness, and a sense of hopelessness. Those with bipolar disorder may exhibit restlessness, anxiety and agitation, or recurrent thoughts of suicide. Schizophrenia Symptoms can encompass difficulty thinking, hallucinations and delusions, and disorganized thinking and speaking. Available treatments are effective in reducing symptoms and frequency. Southcoast Psychiatric Services

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Beverley Sinclair

Clinical Hypnotherapist


07956 694818


Hypno-wellbeing  Harley Street  London W1G 9PF 


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