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Nutritional Coaching and Therapy

Nutritional Coaching and Therapy

Nutritional coaching teaches you about healthy eating. Nutritional therapy looks at what foods are going to be best for you considering your particular health challenges. This is why a combination of nutritional coaching and therapy is going to have the strongest impact on you.

This naturopathic route enables the whole body-mind to benefit so you can enjoy a sense of empowerment of your health and your life. The 21st century seems to conspire against our health with fast food, environmental toxins and stress all taking their toll. Good nutrition is important for emotional and physical health - the body affects the mind just as much as the mind affects the body. This is why nutritional coaching and therapy are so important. By looking at your eating habits to see which foods might be causing your symptoms - such as lethargy, headaches, moodiness, depression, anxiety, bloating, IBS, ADHD, candida, fatigue, food sensitivities, hormone imbalances, insomnia, skin complaints, stress and weight problems, alternatives can be recommended to bring your body back into balance.

Remember that health is much more than an absence of disease. My comprehensive approach, over time, will help you to achieve and maintain optimum health.

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Beverley Sinclair

Clinical Hypnotherapist


07956 694818


Hypno-wellbeing  Harley Street  London W1G 9PF 


Monday -  Friday     8:00 am - 8:00 pm
Saturday                   9:00 am - 5:30 pm

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