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How Can I Cope With Health Anxiety With Hypnotherapy

Health anxiety, also known as hypochondria, is a condition where individuals spend a lot of time thinking that they might be ill or worrying about becoming ill, to the extent that it disrupts their daily life. This can lead to extreme stress and impact various aspects of their day-to-day functioning. Health anxiety is characterized by irrational worry about one's health and a fear of developing a serious illness in the future. This constant worrying can interfere with work and other areas of life.

For instance, those with social anxiety disorder may feel overwhelmed and uneasy in social situations, while those with generalized anxiety disorder may feel constantly on edge and worried about many things at once. People with health anxiety, or illness anxiety disorder, feel excessively concerned about their health. They often worry that something is wrong with them and may become paranoid about developing a serious illness in the future. Like other anxiety disorders, this constant worrying can lead to difficulties in other areas of life, such as work.

Common symptoms and behaviors associated with health anxiety include persistently worrying about being in ill-health, routinely checking for symptoms of illnesses, constantly seeking health information online, and Physical symptoms such as headaches and increased heart rate may also be associated with heightened anxiety.

Coping with health anxiety can be overwhelming, but there are effective strategies to manage symptoms. Psychological therapy, particularly cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), can be beneficial for individuals with health anxiety. CBT helps challenge negative thought patterns and teaches coping mechanisms to better control health anxiety and resume a fulfilling life.

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Beverley Sinclair

Clinical Hypnotherapist


07956 694818


Hypno-wellbeing  Harley Street  London W1G 9PF 


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