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Difference Between Internal vs. External Locus of Evaluation

The idea of an internal versus an external locus of evaluation refers to where we seek validation and approval for our actions, decisions, and self-worth. This holds a crucial role in influencing perceptions of success, self-esteem, and overall well-being. Understanding this difference and the importance of having an internal locus of evaluation can empower us to lead more fulfilling lives.

Internal Locus of Evaluation:

An internal locus of evaluation means seeking validation and approval from within oneself. In this mindset, personal standards, values, and intrinsic motivation serve as the driving force behind one's decisions and self-worth. People with an internal locus of evaluation are less dependent on external factors such as others' opinions, societal expectations, or material success to validate their choices.

External Locus of Evaluation:

Conversely, an external locus of evaluation occurs when a person relies heavily on external sources for validation and approval. This could manifest in the constant need for recognition from others, the pursuit of material wealth as a measure of success, or conforming to societal norms to gain acceptance. Those with an external locus of evaluation often find themselves at the mercy of external influences, making their self-esteem and sense of accomplishment fragile and easily shaken.

Why an Internal Locus of Evaluation is Important:

1. Resilience and Independence:

Individuals with an internal locus of evaluation tend to be more resilient because they

rely on their own standards and values to measure success. They are less affected by

external criticism, rejection, or failures, which can be disheartening for those who rely

solely on external validation.

2. Authenticity:

Developing an internal locus of evaluation enables individuals to be more authentic.

They make choices that genuinely reflect their values, passions, and goals rather than

conforming to external pressures. This authenticity not only fosters self-acceptance

but also draws people to them for who they truly are.

3. Intrinsic Motivation:

Internal validation is closely linked to intrinsic motivation. When you're driven by

your own values and interests, you're more likely to find joy and satisfaction in your

pursuits. This leads to a sustained sense of achievement and happiness.

4. Reduced Anxiety and Stress:

Individuals with an internal locus of evaluation tend to experience less anxiety and

stress related to external judgments. This is because they are less preoccupied with

what others think, allowing them to focus on what matters most to them.

5. Long-Term Fulfillment:

External validation, such as material possessions or social status, can provide

temporary satisfaction, but it often fades quickly. In contrast, the self-validation that

comes from having internal values offers a deeper and longer-lasting sense of


Ultimately, the journey toward an internal locus of evaluation is a transformational process that begins with self-reflection and a shift in perspective, leading to a more fulfilling and empowered life.



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Beverley Sinclair

Clinical Hypnotherapist

07956 694818


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