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Are Your Thoughts On Repeat Mode Rumination and Repetitive thinking?

Many of us have negative thoughts. And they can be very challenging to get rid of. It can be about a mistake at work, an offending joke we blurted, or money worries. These thoughts often linger in our minds longer than other thoughts.

Usually, when something is bothering us, we are often advised by the people around us to just forget it. We find this advice almost impossible to do because the thoughts keep on popping into our minds even with our conscious effort of forgetting them.

When people tell us to forget thinking about something, they are encouraging us to suppress the thought. But studies reveal that thought suppression isn’t an effective way to deal with recurring negative thoughts. It’s even considered counterproductive. If you’ve been bothered by these negative thoughts, here are some strategies to help you deal with them:

Be aware

Oftentimes, we become so obsessed with our thoughts that we forget that we are in control. Each day, we are bombarded with 50,000 new thoughts and what our brain constantly does is filter them. It continually decides which thoughts are trivial and which ones are important.

When confronted with negative thoughts, recognize them. Don’t try to push them at the back of your head. Be aware of their presence and ask yourself questions like:

  • Are these thoughts important?

  • Are they beneficial?

Rephrase your thoughts

Instead of telling yourself “I’m going to lose this project,” rephrase that instead of “I’m having a thought that I’m going to lose this project.” Changing the way you say or express things can help you gain a better perspective.

Challenge your thoughts

Whenever you realize that your thoughts are drawn towards negativity, then it’s a cue to pause and think of it. An effective way to test the accuracy of your negative thoughts is to challenge them by asking yourself questions like:

  • What is the evidence that goes for and against my thought?

  • Is there a way to see if my thoughts are true?

  • Is there an alternative way to look at the situation?

Express it

Some of our negative thoughts stem from certain issues or emotions. Instead of just keeping it to yourself, express it. Sometimes, we gain a better perspective of our thoughts and their root causes when we’re able to articulate them.

List down the things you’re grateful for

Writing down the things you’re grateful for can help boost positive emotions. Several studies have already shown how expressing gratitude can help an individual feel more optimistic, and achieve a heightened sense of well-being, and an increased level of happiness.

Take a walk

It’s too easy to get consumed with your negative thoughts if negativity is all around. So sometimes all it takes to clear up your mind from these recurring thoughts is to remove yourself from the negative environment.

Taking a walk alone in an uplifting place like a park can help in gaining a better perspective of your thoughts. Studies have also shown that physical activities can help improve self-perception and help reduce anxiety.


If these recurrent negative thoughts greatly affect the way you live, then hypnotherapy can help. During hypnosis, your body and mind are in a completely relaxed state. While your conscious mind becomes more relaxed, your subconscious mind becomes more focused, making you highly responsive to suggestions.

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Beverley Sinclair

Clinical Hypnotherapist


07956 694818


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