Fear of Public Speaking
Fear of public speaking is very common. Unfortunately, it’s also a skill that most of us need to be successful.
Public speaking doesn’t just mean talking to a room full of people. Some people also find it terrifying to talk to smaller groups, such as in meetings and committees. If you find this daunting, then you may need a little extra help.
Hypnotherapy can help you develop the confidence you need to become a successful public speaker.
Fear of public speaking
Extreme fear of public speaking may include physical symptoms, such as:
Chest tightness
However, even those with less extreme fear may find themselves blushing, suffering from butterflies and even lost for words when they have to speak in front of more than one or two people.
Fear of speaking, or even appearing, in public can get in the way of all these experiences.
Presentation or appearance anxiety can be overcome with hypnotherapy. The relaxing approach helps you to gain control over your thoughts and fears, increasing your confidence and strength and reducing the sense of feeling exposed while speaking.
Making formal speeches is an unfamiliar situation for many of us, so in addition to using hypnotherapy to relax you and develop your confidence, I will also work with you to teach you some of the key elements of making presentations. So not only will you feel more confident in yourself, you will know that you have the tools you need to be well-prepared will help you plan and present with success.
Job interviews
If there’s a situation guaranteed to give you anxiety over speaking in public, it’s the dreaded job interview. It’s an hour or more when you will be expected to perform articulately, often in front of strangers who are there for one reason, and one reason only: to judge you.
Team briefings
Senior managers are often required to lead team or company briefings and having the public speaking skills to convey important messaging and maintain employee confidence and engagement is a wonderful skill to have in your professional toolkit.
Hypnotherapy for public speaking is designed to offer you therapy and coaching to give you confidence in your ability. That growth in confidence removes the anxiety and phobic fear that often accompany a public speaking commitment.