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Changing Your Mindset is the Key to Weight Loss Hypnotherapy

Many people are unaware that the thoughts that we put in our minds are more important than the food we put in our mouths. How we feel about ourselves affects the choices we make about what, why, when, how & where we eat.

It’s our inner narrative that influences success or failure in our weight management endeavours.

Below are some fabulous & important techniques to give you insight and awareness, and some useful methods that you can apply to achieve positive inner change.

First things first, what does the word ‘diet’ mean to you?

This is an important concept … In my weight management sessions with clients, I always focus on healthy eating and try to stay away from the idea of diets.

Often the word “diet” brings to mind negative concepts: the need for excessive discipline along with denial and deprivation. Plus there’s the fact that diets often fail – statistics show that around 90% of people put the weight back on again, often immediately.

Yo-Yo Dieting

It’s hard to deprive yourself of your favourite foods, and way too often people give up within a very short time and gain back all the weight – often even more! Then, in a vicious cycle, they try again only to have the same thing happen again.

This can lead to what is known as “yo-yo dieting” – An on/off syndrome of initially well-intentioned weight loss efforts repeatedly sabotaged which leads to weight gain! So many of my clients tell me “if I was the weight & shape now than I was when I started to diet, I would never have started in the first place!”.

Negative Self-Programming

When diets don’t work, they impact more than just the scales! Gaining and losing weight affects us emotionally. More often than not, there is an erosion of self-belief, self-worth, self-esteem, self-confidence, self-trust and so on.

However, when a person constantly feels negative thoughts about themselves and their body, they unwittingly programme themselves to fail. The majority of my clients are similar in that they are successful in so many aspects of their lives – job/career, family, relationships etc – however, the one area that they cannot get control is their weight.

Very often the reason for this is a neglect of the self: They invest a great deal of thought and effort in creating stability for themselves & others in their lives, but they neglect to give themselves the time & space to acknowledge and positively act upon their own intrinsic needs.

They treat and speak to themselves differently from how they relate to anyone else in their lives – more about that later.

The psycho-biological effects of unhealthy eating

In these challenging times, many people are making poor food choices and reaching for comfort food. However, although the short-term gain may be satisfaction, the initial comfort feelings can be quickly followed by guilt, shame, regret, disappointment & anger.

Low-energy foodstuffs like biscuits, cakes, crisps, chocolate etc move slowly through the gut, and the psycho-biological effect is that for the length of time it takes for that food to be digested, negative feelings remain in the mind. They lower our mood and this harsh & negative self-talk is not helpful.

Furthermore, the amount of energy that the body uses to digest the slow-moving stodgy food, makes us feel mentally & physically tired.

The Inner Critic v. The Inner Coach

Many people believe that talking harshly to oneself will help to keep us on the straight’n’narrow. But this self-chastisement has the opposite effect. It creates an Inner Critic who masquerades as being helpful.

For example, if someone came to you and said “Oh dear, I have been trying to eat healthily to lose weight and then I went and had a binge on chocolate”, would your response be:

“What again?”

“I am so disappointed in you!”

“You just can’t do it can you!”

“In for a penny, in for a pound – just have more!”

Probably not – it would be shocking, hurtful & unhelpful to your friend. You would very likely offer soothing words of encouragement and support. However, what is your language like to yourself if you find yourself in a similar situation? What do you tell yourself? Because our inner language is KEY to the choices we make in life – and not just about food choices.

The – Nurture & Nourish

The language of the Inner Coach helps us to create the best version of ourselves. It’s a language of forgiveness, acceptance, patience & understanding. We must start to notice the sort of language that we use towards ourselves because that is what guides our self-programming and is the difference between success and failure.

Inner Critic – a language of guilt, anger, fear, chastisement & negativity

Inner Coach – a language of positivity, kindness, compassion & encouragement: Nurture & Nourish to Flourish!

Our inner language is key in powerfully & sustainably changing our mindset!

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Beverley Sinclair

Clinical Hypnotherapist


07956 694818


Hypno-wellbeing  Harley Street  London W1G 9PF 


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