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Alcohol Addiction

And alcohol dependency doesn’t necessarily equate to extreme drinking all the time. If you are drinking regularly - as a way to unwind, or cope with particularly stressful situations - you are likely to have at least a degree of alcohol dependency.

My therapy works by changing and removing deep-seated beliefs about addiction.

We know that the brain is constantly changing. The neuroplasticity of the brain allows us to create new neural connections by instigating rapid intervention treatments. By breaking the old neuro-connections, we can re-wire the response that the subconscious mind has to the sight, smell or thought of alcohol – forcing the mind to trigger an entirely new feeling and behaviour. Subsequently, when the client is exposed to any of the old addictive triggers, the brain doesn’t automatically respond in the old way because it feels stronger and healthier. The very thing that used to cause cravings and relapse now actually reinforces the commitment to not continue with the addictive behaviour.

When you are seeing, feeling and experiencing yourself having a healthy life that is free from addiction, and experiencing yourself as having long ago put addiction in the past, your brain creates a new memory. You are growing new neural pathways. These neural networks get wired together to make new reactions very real.

We all know about the power of the subconscious mind. Phobia fear evokes triggers that are out of one’s conscious control, resulting in heightened anxiety states. The same thing happens with drink issues and alcohol addiction.

We offer a tailored treatment plan designed around associations with alcohol, allowing you to effectively and naturally overcome your consumption more comfortable. Alcoholism is different for everyone; So the first step in solving your issues with alcohol is to explore where your drinking fits into your life, what contributes to it, and what might be maintaining the problem? CBT is a method for helping you to examine your thinking styles, beliefs, and interpretations of the various aspects of your life, to see if they are unhelpful for you, and particularly to see which ones are fuelling your alcohol consumption. Using a variety of therapeutic techniques CBT, NLP and EFT with the integrative on of hypnotherapy render it a highly successful way to identify and understand depression and behavioural traits that might be causing and maintaining the client's depression. Cognitive Hypnotherapy gets to the root cause of the depression problem and changes the perception patterns. EFT empowers the client to feel calm in control and manage negative emotions.

Modern research on hypnotherapy is increasingly focused on the integration of hypnotherapy and CBT since its publication in a mainstream

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Beverley Sinclair

Clinical Hypnotherapist


07956 694818


Hypno-wellbeing  Harley Street  London W1G 9PF 


Monday -  Friday     8:00 am - 8:00 pm
Saturday                   9:00 am - 5:30 pm

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