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Children Phobic Disorder

A phobia is forms of irrational fear which can make a person feel unable to control a situation and be overwhelmed with panic.

People with phobias will go to great lengths to avoid whatever it is they fear, or they will tolerate it with a great amount of anxiety. However, there are certain types of phobia symptoms that we have difficulty in dealing with. Which will leave a lasting impression and can trigger feelings of anxiety and insecurity, humiliation, rejection, medical procedures including childbirth, panic attacks general depression and tension along with nightmares and flashbacks?

What are phobias?

A phobia is an excessive and irrational fear reaction. If you have a phobia, you may experience a deep sense of dread or panic when you encounter the source of your fear. The fear can be of a certain place, situation, or object. Unlike general anxiety disorders, a phobia is usually connected to something specific.

The impact of a phobia can range from annoying to severely disabling. People with phobias often realize their fear is irrational, but they’re unable to do anything about it. Such fears can interfere with work, school, and personal relationships.

An estimated 19 million Americans have a phobia that causes difficulty in some area of their lives. Seek the help of your doctor if you have a fear that prevents you from leading your fullest life.


Genetic and environmental factors can cause phobias. Children who have a close relative with an anxiety disorder are at risk of developing a phobia. Distressing events, such as nearly drowning, can bring on a phobia. Exposure to confined spaces, extreme heights, and animal or insect bites can all be sources of phobias.

People with ongoing medical conditions or health concerns often have phobias. There’s a high incidence of people developing phobias after traumatic brain injuries. Substance abuse and depression are also connected to phobias.

Cognitive-behavioural therapy

Cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) is the most commonly used treatment for phobias. It involves exposure to the source of fear in a controlled setting. This treatment can decondition people and reduce anxiety. The therapy focuses on identifying and changing negative thoughts, dysfunctional beliefs, and negative reactions to the phobic situation. New CBT techniques use virtual reality technology to expose people to the sources of their phobias safely.

Hypnosis also helps you to heal the parts of you that experienced the shock and pain removing feelings of anxiety and insecurity, panic attacks and phobias, general depression, and tension along with nightmares and flashbacks. Hypnotherapy helps you to regain confidence, enthusiasm, and motivation in your daily life.

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Beverley Sinclair

Clinical Hypnotherapist


07956 694818


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