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11 Benefits of Meditation

Meditation is a state of deep relaxation and a self-healing method which creates harmony & a tranquil mind. It involves conscious detachment from our busy thoughts by focusing on our breath, and it’s considered to be a type of mind/body complementary medicine. It’s easy to do, it has clinically proven benefits,

The mental & emotional benefits of meditation

Clinical studies have shown that meditation:

  1. Reduces anxiety

  2. It helps you to better manage stress

  3. Improves emotional stability – you can have more control over your emotions

  4. Alters one’s perspective due to peace of mind & clarity

  5. You’ll have more focus & rationality

  6. Increases creativity & problem solving

  7. Reduces anger & negative emotions

  8. You’ll likely make better/healthier life decisions

  9. Increases happiness

  10. Assists in changing behaviours & habits

  11. You have more motivation

How Often Should you Meditate?

It can be as long or as short as you care to make it, but do try to create the time to meditate every day. It has a cumulative effect, but you’ll very quickly start to notice the benefits! If you can incorporate it into your daily routine and meditate at the same time every day, even better.

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Beverley Sinclair

Clinical Hypnotherapist


07956 694818


Hypno-wellbeing  Harley Street  London W1G 9PF 


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